Jon Allison’s Monday Blog
A number of technology companies have released their Equal Employment Opportunity reports (EEO-1 reports) for 2014 and what they show is that there remains a diversity issue. Twitter, Microsoft and Google employ zero African-American women in executive and management level positions. Facebook, Intel and Amazon employ one African-American female each in such positions. Executive and management level positions are held by white men 65% of the time, white females 14% of the time, Asian males 13% of the time, Asian females 3% of the time, Hispanic males 2% of the time, Hispanic females and African-American males 1% of the time, and African-American females less than 1% of the time. The statistics for all employees aren’t much better for many companies. Twitter, for example, employs 0% African-American females and 1% African-American males and Hispanic males and females. It employs 25% Asian males and 8% Asian females. The Tech industry is aware of the issue and there are efforts being made to diversify. Find more details by following this link.
With respect to the wage gap between men and women in the U.S., the state you live in makes a significant difference. Louisiana currently has the largest gap where women are earning 65 cents for every dollar earned by men. In Utah it’s 67 cents and in Wyoming 69 cents. The District of Columbia has the lowest pay gap at 10% followed by New York at 13% and Maryland at 15%. There are some congressional districts within the states with the lowest pay gap that have closed the gap entirely. Overall, still a lot of work to do here as well. See the state rankings here.